Parts Search

We have access to a trusted, extensive global sourcing network. Select below whether you would like to search for a single part or multiple parts in one go. Enter the part number for your required electronic component in the box below and click 'search'.

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Parts Search

We have access to a trusted, extensive global sourcing network. Select below whether you would like to search for a single part or multiple parts in one go. Enter the part number for your required electronic component in the box below and click 'search'.

Image relating to Going for Cyber Essentials Plus

Going for Cyber Essentials Plus

Cyber Essentials Plus is the highest level of certification offered under the Cyber Essentials scheme.


Committed to protecting sensitive information

Based in the UK, Whistler Technology is based in one of the most digitally advanced countries in the world, with both our work and private lives being online more than ever before. Our cyber security's core function is to protect the devices we all use (smartphones, laptops, tablets and computers), and the services we access - both online and at work - from theft or damage. Cyber Essentials Plus is a Government-backed and industry-supported scheme that helps businesses protect themselves against the growing threat of cyber attacks and provides a clear statement of the basic controls organisations should have in place to protect them.


Ensuring our clients data is robustly protected

Cyber Essentials Plus certification is a higher level of assurance from just becoming Cyber Essentials certified. It involves an additional technical audit of our IT systems, plus a series of on-site internal vulnerability scans, tests of our in-scope systems and an off-site external vulnerability scan conducted by the certification body. It's vital that we as an organisation take every step to protect our business, and our customers details against cyber crime, as we handle defence and government contracts that often involve sensitive information. The Cyber Essentials Plus scheme will rigorously test our organisation’s cyber security systems, as independent cyber security experts carry out vulnerability tests to make sure that our organisation is protected against basic hacking and phishing attacks.

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